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IF YOU'RE STILL WAITING to Be Fully Seen, Met, Held and Loved, to Finally Feel Safe, Secure, Valued and Cherished, it's Time You Realised That You Are The One You're Looking For!
DON'T Wait For Someone To Save You.
Love Yourself Instead

"I Love You, Me" ™ ~ The Self-Love Master Key

Since 2007, the "I Love You, Me' ™ Method has transformed tens of thousands of lives all over the world with often miraculous results and mind-blowing experiences!

Original and unique, it's super practical, highly adaptable, deeply personal and profoundly impactful. 

"I Love You, Me" ™ is the master key that empowers you to unlock and heal your body, mind, heart and soul - quickly and easily bringing you back home to who you truly are.

"I Love You, Me" ™ literally sets you free.

The Lack of Love Pandemic

The biggest problem in the world today, the REAL pandemic, is a catastrophic lack of Love. 

Have you noticed that all the fear, pain, trauma, disease and suffering that people go through, and typically carry around their whole lives,

Then pass down to the next generation, unhealed and disowned, stem from them not feeling loved enough?

And...That all the harm and damage done in the world is by wounded, unloved, (and therefore unloving), people?

The Truth Is, Without Love, NOTHING Thrives.

Thrive With Self-Love!

Instead of searching, waiting, wishing, hoping, PRAYING for the right kind of love to come to you...

Or trying in vain to love, help, serve or change others so they'll give you what you crave,

Or staying stuck in your personal hell, feeling helpless, waiting for someone to rescue you,

Would you be willing to love and save yourself instead?

Stop playing small, blocked by anxiety and fear, and not actualising your gifts and fullest potential.

BE The Love You Want and Need to Heal Your Life!

True Stories, Real Results...

"I Love You, Me" has been my saviour over the last year, I have come such a long way and grown enormously in my journey for fulfilment, and for the first time I feel a lot more at peace with myself and who I am. Confidence in my abilities has also grown and I am now following my life long ambition of pursuing a career in the arts. I am very excited about my future, which is something that I’ve never felt and that is thanks to ILYM." ~ Karyn - UK

​“The "I love you me" method helped me gain so much confidence in myself that I've lacked all my life. I've learnt how to go deep within myself to find peace and self acceptance by just allowing myself to be calm and focus in on my most precious gift ... my breath. I struggle badly with anxiety and found that when I just focus and concentrate in the moment I can fully gain the power and control back that it has over me. I'm still learning to accept myself in some areas, but my bible is your book and I will forever refer back to it for guidance and a firm kick up the bum if need be ! X” ~ Cristina - USA

​"This technique has brought me an amazing tool to process anything in my life that I perceive as painful, not in harmony, annoying, inappropriate, and that I realised I can talk directly to myself and heal myself. Changes in relationship to my daughter and husband, changes in perception of the world and myself. It is the simplest and most extremely powerful technique I know." ~ Lucie - Czech Rep

​"It finally joined the dots. The way Tara worked with all the ancient principles and made them into a tangible body of practice Is totally unique and revolutionary. It truly bridges the gap between intention and belief."
~ Erika Indra - UK

But Why Should I?
Because when you're done being hurt, let down, sad and disappointed;
When you're over waiting for real love, connection, validation and acknowledgement; 

When you're totally sick of struggling with a pain, pattern, trauma or illness that's limiting your life;

When you've been crazy, lost in the dark, without hope, light or meaning long enough;

 There comes a moment when you FINALLY decide to stop fighting, running, hiding and denying.

In that precious, life-changing moment, 

You realise that no-one else can do it for you, (even if they wanted to).

Because, the truth is, that YOU are The One you've been waiting for.

When all else has failed to find you, meet you and save you, 

You are left with only one choice...

"Hello Me..."
Manifest  Miracles!

Abi Flynn was dying from Hodgkins Lymphoma and a 21cm tumour in her chest. 

After 2 years of chemotherapy, and with only 3 weeks to live, she luckily discovered the "I Love You, Me" method. Abi fully recovered from terminal cancer in just a few months. 

Listen to her miraculously inspiring story...

True Stories, Real Results...

 'I love you, Me' method was the most profound inner process I have ever experienced...In my opinion, the most needed healing work on the planet is learning to love our wounded inner child who is the key to our joy & creativity in life. I love you, Me, is a fast track method for learning to nurture and protect your inner child, which will make a profound difference in the quality of your life."  - Des Coroy - Author USA

 "To say the effects are powerful is an understatement! Within a day of doing the course, I felt an opening, a new beginning, a relationship with my Little Me that I see now has been waiting for me my whole life. I began to dialogue with her, and all of a sudden magic began to happen. Negativity toward my partner melted away, everywhere I turned I saw receptivity and love, flow started to happen and the everyday tasks seemed to just slot into place beautifully." ~ Sally Waite, UK

 "I love you me" has transformed my life. My depression, stress and anxiety has gone. I no longer have bladder problems. I am full of energy and do all the things I always wanted to do. My relationships with my family are now amazing. My career and finances have improved dramatically. I also now love myself unconditionally and I am so much happier for it. I now see I was my own worst enemy but now I am my Best Friend. I have healed more in 1 session of "I love you me" then I did in 10 years of therapy." Ash Khan, UK 

How Does It Work?
"I Love You, Me" ™ combines a unique signature breath-work practice called 'Breathe and Receive', a quantum key-word conversation with yourself, and self-touch.

Easily and intuitively you journey within to meet yourself with compassion, presence and heightened awareness where you need it most.

"I Love You, Me" ™ Method can create gentle changes for light issues or deeply connect you to the root cause of whatever's blocking your peace, prosperity, purpose or passion.

It can help you transform virtually any part of yourself or your life, for healing, resolution, liberation, self-embodiment and more.
The Transformational Life Tool...

Connect with and retrieve your inner-child. Heal wounds, traumas and parental conditioning.

Heal relationships, resolve conflicts and deepen emotional intimacy with yourself and others.

Transform negative self-talk, low self-worth, not-enough-ness, victimhood and fear of being seen.

Clear limiting beliefs, blocks, habits and patterns to manifesting wealth, abundance and success. 

Get real relief from mental health issues: anxiety, stress, burn-out, depression and disassociation. 

Restore physical illness, pain, imbalance and disease. Heal the root cause, from within.

True Stories, Real Results...

""I love you me" has helped me to gain my power and be in my truest form, in my essence, my element and most importantly in my body. Thank you so much Tara Love for sharing this with me and with the world. I am deeply fulfilled and immensely grateful. I love you." ~ Yassmine - UAE

​"The moment I started applying the "I Love You, Me" method everything started to change. That invisible wall is being taken down brick by brick and what has happened as a result has been nothing short of a miracle. These days I literally expect miracles to happen." - Bradley - UK

​"I have been amazed at the swift healing affect of Tara's I Love You, Me therapy. I've been struggling with an issue/blockage for what feels like forever and after a few sessions everything shifted. I've tried other methods over the years, but I knew within the first few minutes this was different." - Rose - UK.

​"“I Love You, Me” has done so much more for me than I ever imagined possible. I have remembered who I actually am underneath all the conditioning and beliefs I've picked up over the past 34 years. It's been like a complete awakening. Saying "Hello, Me" has literally woken so many parts of me that had been shut down or forgotten for years or even decades. Tara Love Perry's ILYM method is absolutely genius." - Lianne, UK.

Pioneering Self-Love

"I love You, Me"™ method has trail-blazed the self-love movement for over 17 years, influencing many other courses, social media creators, coaches and celebrities.

It's unlike anything else - Direct, grounded, practical, and widely proven to empower your sovereignty, authority and true-self, without the middle-man, dogma or religion. 

"I Love You, Me" ™ has worked when nothing else has. 

Even if you don't believe in Love anymore; Even if you think you're too unloveable, or the thought of loving yourself scares the heck out of you - Get this. You can do it.

From The UK's Leading Self-Love Teacher, 
Tara Love Perry

Tara Love Perry is the UK's leading self-love teacher thanks to her unique and pioneering techniques for personal transformation and self-love since 2007.

Tara’s 20+ year career has taken her all over the world, helping tens of thousands of people including spiritual, political and corporate leaders, plus coaches, authors, CEO's, celebrity artists, and a First Lady, with 1:1 sessions, workshops, meditations and trainings.

Tara is the creator of "I Love You, Me" ™ Method, as well as 'Transformational Self-Love Therapy', the professional modality which has proven to be a "game-changer" for therapists, helpers and healers globally, and their clients.

She has appeared in numerous television series, films, radio shows, newspapers, magazines, and spoken on many international stages, working along-side some of the world's leading spiritual teachers. 

She's also a very proud mum and an ambassador of ALALA charity for orphaned children. Tara's mission is to bring more love to the world for a better future for our children and grand-children.
What You're Looking for to
Complete You, Heal You, Save You, 
is Within YOU.
Don't Waste Another Minute Waiting, Wishing, Hoping, Praying, Looking for The Very Thing That's Staring You In The Face, Right Now...
Begin The Relationship 
of a Lifetime!
Copyright © 2024 Tara Love Perry - All rights reserved